Notch Signaling pathway

美 [nɑːtʃ ˈsɪɡnəlɪŋ ˈpæθweɪ]英 [nɒtʃ ˈsɪɡnəlɪŋ ˈpɑːθweɪ]
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Notch Signaling pathwayNotch Signaling pathway
  1. Construction and identification of a reporter plasmid for analyses of Notch signaling pathway


  2. Notch signaling pathway and primary liver cancer


  3. The Notch signaling pathway has very important effect in the process of animal growth , especially in the animal development .


  4. Gene Expression Profile of Notch Signaling Pathway and the Metastasis of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma


  5. Notch signaling pathway is a minority signal transduction systems regulating cell proliferation and apoptosis repeatedly .


  6. Effects of blocking Notch signaling pathway on the proliferation and senescence of human dental pulp cells


  7. Notch Signaling Pathway and Multiple Myeloma & Review


  8. Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Promote Endogenous Neural Stem Cells Proliferation by Notch Signaling Pathway after Stroke


  9. Thus RBP-J is an essential mediator of Notch signaling pathway .


  10. Notch Signaling Pathway and Its Regulation


  11. Aberrant regulation of Notch signaling pathway always leads to embryonic death due to defective development of vascular networks .


  12. At the same times through the local interaction between cells , Notch signaling pathway influenced the development and formation of blood vessels .


  13. Objective To construct and identify a reporter plasmid for analyses of the mechanism of Notch signaling pathway in human cervical carcinoma cells .


  14. In addition , H. pylori infection can activate the Notch signaling pathway , which may be one of the carcinogenic mechanisms .


  15. To explore the specific mechanisms of Notch signaling pathway involved in the modulation of myocardial I / RI process . [ Methods ] 1 .


  16. Notch signaling pathway is an evolutionarily conserved intercellular signaling mechanism regulates boundary formation between cell population , cell proliferation and cell death .


  17. However , the role of Notch signaling pathway in other types of cells such as DC , macrophages and NK cells is still not clear .


  18. Notch signaling pathway can be activated during dental pulp repair process , this phenomenon reflects a molecular reflection mechanism in the early stage of pulp repair .


  19. DON at low concentration ( 10ng / ml ) can inhibit Notch signaling pathway , affect the characteristics of mES cells , proliferation and differentiation .


  20. The Notch signaling pathway plays a pivotal role in cell fate specification in development by mediating cell-cell interaction and is conserved during evolution from worm through man .


  21. The Notch signaling pathway is highly conserved in evolution , and plays an important role in a variety of organisms from nematodes to humans , from embryonic development to adulthood .


  22. Among them , the Notch signaling pathway composed of Notch receptors , transcription factor RBP-J and its downstream effectors , is one of the fundamental regulatory pathways during development .


  23. Comparative Study on the Viscoelastic Properties of Phagocytes of Atherosclerotic Origin Regulation of the Differentiation and Function of the Bone Marrow Monocyte-derived Dendritic Cells and Macrophages by the Notch Signaling Pathway


  24. Notch signaling pathway is an evolutionarily highly conserved mechanism for cell-cell communication , which controls differentiation and proliferation , and plays an important role in embryogenesis and many types of cell fate determination .


  25. Studies found that Notch signaling pathway is closely linked to cell differentiation , proliferation , apoptosis , adhesion and epidermal cells to mesenchymal transition and it is essential for the normal development of most organizations .


  26. The precise regulation of the Notch signaling pathway is essential for the normal development of most organizations . Aberrant regulation of Notch signaling leads to abnormal tissue development and the occurrence of tumors and other diseases .


  27. In the process of embryonic vascular development , Notch signaling pathway plays a key role in maintaining the normal structure and function of embryonic vascular network by regulating the arteriovenous differentiation and endothelial Tip cell and Stalk cell specification .


  28. The anti-tumor effect of docetaxel is reflected in the regulation of proliferation and apoptosis of tumor cells through multiple signaling pathways . Whether docetaxel has cross-talk with the Notch signaling pathway has not been reported .


  29. Notch signaling pathway has an important role in the development of multi-tissue and multi-organ , especially in the regulation of the nervous system development in animals while RBP-J κ is a key molecular in the Notch signaling pathway .


  30. Notch isa classic signaling pathway , its family members are highly conserved in structure .
